Why Is Empathy Important?

Why Is Empathy Important?

The word “empathy” is used often by various psychologists, journalists, professors, etc. What does ’empathy’ mean? Empathy is the ability to perceive and relate to a foreign point of view. Usually, empathy exists where one has experienced a situation that others are experiencing, oneself. Hence the experience is shared and there exists an understanding of […]

Mamihlapinatapai — A Silent Song | Children’s Story

Mamihlapinatapai — A Silent Song | Children’s Story

Mamihlapinatapai — A Silent Song By — Charisma Bharadwaj Mudita and Niyama were two vultures who enjoyed conversing in tunes. Mudita (first) met Niyama through a rustic melody Mudita instantly recognised. Niyama was singing the Indian-Yagan song she had once heard from a tribe named Cheemayana, somewhere in the forests of Masinagudi, Tamil Nadu, in Southern India. Niyama spent […]